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[Albion] Palace Fans Biggest Fear


Well-known member
Oct 14, 2003
Surely their biggest fear is getting Hodgson back for another go at steering them into relegation - let’s all hope so😀😀
Apparently not as far-fetched a scenario as you might think.

Word is that Roy might well be back for the rest of the season, with a new manager to follow in the summer.

Bless the guy, among managers he’s a gent, and I’ve never had a massive problem with him (despite his feeble England tenure), but he’s 75 for crissakes. 75.

This could be a bit embarrassing.


Well-known member
Oct 24, 2005
. . . In fact this could be the kind of thing that fucks a club up long term. A Sunderland or Leeds fall from grace would be terrible and not really really funny at all.

Oh no.
If I may be pedantic for a second, they've never been good enough to be able to have a Leeds fall from grace.


Well-known member
Jul 5, 2003
They couldn't wait to get shot of the Withered Owl, be so funny if he goes back.


Pocket Rocket
NSC Patron
Jul 8, 2003
Here and There
Bringing Hodgson back is all part of this whole fake 1861 rebranding.

Victorian era standard ground.
Kick and rush football.
Dinosaur manager.

All fits perfectly.
It’s an identity I suppose… one that looks like Iain Dowie, but an identity nonetheless. They can take heart from that.


I've changed this
Nov 1, 2017
Think I've posted on here a couple of times that the thread title needs to be changed. Like a stopped clock though, seems to be coming round to becoming very fitting.

Horses Arse

Well-known member
Jun 25, 2004
here and there
Zaha wandering around, completely uninterested for the first two arsenal goals today. Simply couldn't be bothered. Then throws his arms in the air. What a prick. He should be Palace fans biggest fear.

Change at Barnham

Well-known member
Aug 6, 2011
Bognor Regis
If I was a Palace fan I'd obviously be wanting to stay up this season in any way possible, whether that means parking the bus with Hodgson or maybe in a different way with Derry or McCarthy.

But I would go all out to try and get Bielsa for next season. He would be so entertaining both for the home and away fans.
An exciting and entertaining ride for everyone watching in the full knowledge that it will end in a massive road crash.
But adding so much more to the Premier League than the likes of Conte, Moyes or Dyche.


Well-known member
Jul 13, 2003
As I couldn't think of a better place for it, I'll post this here.

Since the start of 2023, we have scored 31 goals across all competions!

Palace? 6 (six)...

Both teams have played 13 matches - us 2.38 goals/game on average; Palace 0.46 goals/game...!!! :lolol:
Happy New Year indeed 🤣

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