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[Albion] Club Statement


Well-known member
Dec 1, 2003
Didsbury, Manchester
It's clear as day that Bloom will pull the trigger on De Zerbi the morning after the Manchester United game, if he doesn't walk that is.

I was going to draft a mock up of the club statement in advance; Tony and the club would like to thank etc...

But I'll probably get accused of being a troll, so I thought I'd let people do their own.

What do you think will be the reason given? I'm going with "performances in the second half of the season have not been in line with the boards vision....".


Well-known member
NSC Patron
Jul 7, 2003
Eventually even a monkey with a typewriter can write War & Peace.

But, that said, I kind of agree.


Well-known member
Dec 1, 2003
Didsbury, Manchester
Eventually even a monkey with a typewriter can write War & Peace.

But, that said, I kind of agree.
I seem to be some sort of visionary.

It's amazing how many people gave me shit a couple of months ago for pointing out where this was going and how it would end. Vast majority of those people now agreeing and saying the same thing.

Exactly the same happened with McGhee and Adams Mk2.


Well-known member
Nov 15, 2006
I seem to be some sort of visionary.

It's amazing how many people gave me shit a couple of months ago for pointing out where this was going and how it would end. Vast majority of those people now agreeing and saying the same thing.

Exactly the same happened with McGhee and Adams Mk2.
Are we ignoring the fact that you also wanted Potter out from almost day one?

Chicken Run

Member Since Jul 2003
NSC Patron
Jul 17, 2003
Valley of Hangleton
Should go now. Was a great experience for the first 16 months. Last 2 months are nothing short of a shambles
The geezer was never committed to the club, him and his entourage have been living in the serviced apartments in Edward Street from day one, never really showed signs of building anything here, i want him gone tomorrow


Active member
May 12, 2017
It's clear as day that Bloom will pull the trigger on De Zerbi the morning after the Manchester United game, if he doesn't walk that is.

I was going to draft a mock up of the club statement in advance; Tony and the club would like to thank etc...

But I'll probably get accused of being a troll, so I thought I'd let people do their own.

What do you think will be the reason given? I'm going with "performances in the second half of the season have not been in line with the boards vision....".
I do wonder.
I’m starting to think may be he doesn’t want to be here. But won’t leave just wants the sack and a payoff.
Something definitely isn’t right. 🤔
I know we have a hell of a lot of injuries.
But the vibe just isn’t good.


Well-known member
Apr 19, 2023
Here's the image!


Forster's Armband

Well-known member
Sep 23, 2008
Will break a season-long habit and stay behind after the ManU game to applaud RDZ on his Lap Of Under-Appreciation. He's a top top manager who has been undone by a freakish run of injuries and a failure at board level to invest in January. Best EPL manager we ever had :bowdown:
He's not a top, top manager yet. He doesn't have a plan b and won't allow himself or his team to be pragmatic when needed. The injuries have made it tough but I am afraid he's had the personnel to do much better in numerous games this season.


Well-known member
Feb 25, 2009
Zabbar- Malta
Will break a season-long habit and stay behind after the ManU game to applaud RDZ on his Lap Of Under-Appreciation. He's a top top manager who has been undone by a freakish run of injuries and a failure at board level to invest in January. Best EPL manager we ever had :bowdown:
Maybe so but the last few months have been very poor. No idea what to do to stop the rot.


Anyone seen Florence?
Jul 8, 2003
The club must share a large amount of the blame for our current position. It's reckless approach to selling our best players and not investing in good quality replacements is at the heart of our current problems. And don't get me started on our medical team. Have our medics been unlucky or are they just plain incompetent?


Well-known member
NSC Patron
Apr 28, 2004
It's clear as day that Bloom will pull the trigger on De Zerbi the morning after the Manchester United game, if he doesn't walk that is.

I was going to draft a mock up of the club statement in advance; Tony and the club would like to thank etc...

But I'll probably get accused of being a troll, so I thought I'd let people do their own.

What do you think will be the reason given? I'm going with "performances in the second half of the season have not been in line with the boards vision....".
Sadly, I think you are right. Although the statement won’t read like that. It will be ‘different direction’ and ‘Persue other opportunities’ etc.

As somebody who seems to hate any manager we ever have, who would you like to see replace De Zerbi?

Forster's Armband

Well-known member
Sep 23, 2008
It's clear as day that Bloom will pull the trigger on De Zerbi the morning after the Manchester United game, if he doesn't walk that is.

I was going to draft a mock up of the club statement in advance; Tony and the club would like to thank etc...

But I'll probably get accused of being a troll, so I thought I'd let people do their own.

What do you think will be the reason given? I'm going with "performances in the second half of the season have not been in line with the boards vision....".
Should be now if thats the plan. No point dragging it out.

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