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  1. drew

    How do you think Boris has handled it so far ?

    That handful of people that you are hell bent on defending are the ones making decisions that affecting our lives, so we all have the right to question the rationale behind every decision they have made and plan on making.
  2. drew

    How do you think Boris has handled it so far ?

    Now I think about it, I believe you have the right approach. Rather than worry about decisions that are costing lives, let's ram our heads in the sand and hope the virus passes us by. Anyone else that dies is merely collateral damage.
  3. drew

    How do you think Boris has handled it so far ?

    Not sure how you arrive at that theory. Surely, SAGE would advise the outcomes depending on which action is taken and at which time and then the Government decide on the options available. I suspect most of the options were not workable because we failed to prepare, eg with testing, with PPE...
  4. drew

    How do you think Boris has handled it so far ?

    Firstly, not sure you can judge if you only read part of the article. You then go on to say that Priti is an 'eejit' and the rest are unremarkable. Isn't that what the article was getting at, there is no talent in the cabinet and that in this time of crisis that is exactly what Johnson needs...
  5. drew

    How do you think Boris has handled it so far ?

    Worst death count in Europe. Just imagine how bad it would be if Johnson had handled it badly!!!!
  6. drew

    How do you think Boris has handled it so far ?

    Well there were no GCSEs in my day, only good old O and A levels plus CSEs. Pretty certain O and A went through As to Fs but then that might just be my report!!!!
  7. drew

    How do you think Boris has handled it so far ?

    Can't argue with your first score but surely the others are too high. PPE . I'd give a C. Very average performance. Testing. Must be a D, possibly disqualification for cheating. How can putting a test kit in the post be classified as carrying out a test!! Keeping Fatalities under 20,000...
  8. drew

    How do you think Boris has handled it so far ?

    Have to laugh at some of his comments regarding his hospital stay. Yesterday he pronounced he was given litres and litres of oxygen, ignoring the fact that we all breath in about 2700lts of oxygen a day. Today he announces there were contingency plans in case he died. Well I very much...
  9. drew

    How do you think Boris has handled it so far ?

    A nice sweeping statement, seemingly aligning those with cause to hold the government to account with conspiracy theorists. You don't think people working with covid patients are entitled to expect protection and if they don't have enough of it, they should shut up rather than press for more?
  10. drew

    How do you think Boris has handled it so far ?

    Tend to agree, there seems to be a big difference between being a political activist and being someone who expresses an opinion unless the people printing it have their own agenda, which obviously they do.
  11. drew

    How do you think Boris has handled it so far ?

    Didn't think you trusted the Guardian!! Anyway, aren't those figures based on several years? We are possible going to see in excess of 40K covid deaths and that is just one year.
  12. drew

    How do you think Boris has handled it so far ?

    And is there a source for your stats??? (a reliable one that is!)
  13. drew

    How do you think Boris has handled it so far ?

    Utter rubbish. AD made a statement that Sweden's economy will be in better shape but provided no evidence to back that up other than a link to a website where someone has written their opinion, again, not backed up by evidence. He also keeps banging on about the death rate in a recession but...
  14. drew

    How do you think Boris has handled it so far ?

    Really, have you got examples of the people that were clamouring for the lockdown and are now wanting it opened up or are you just making it up to suit your agenda. What people, including Starmer, are asking for is details of what the plan will aim to be when the situation is right. What is...
  15. drew

    How do you think Boris has handled it so far ?

    Of course the majority of people want the government to succeed, that's stating the bleeding obvious as the alternative is to risk even more death. However, that doesn't mean the majority are happy with the way the government have handled the situation so far and that includes Johnson's role...
  16. drew

    How do you think Boris has handled it so far ?

    But did he engage in a conversation or just listen to a trump monoglogue?
  17. drew

    How do you think Boris has handled it so far ?

    I didn't realize the NHS had spare cash to pay for excess supplies and storage, my bad!!
  18. drew

    How do you think Boris has handled it so far ?

    But isn't the main point that we have manufacturing capabilities that can be adapted to what supply the products we need that could be used but it seems that when offers have been made the Government has failed to respond.
  19. drew

    How do you think Boris has handled it so far ?

    Agree. Not sure if it has been mentioned previously but it is reported that London hospitals alone use 30/40k gowns a day!!
  20. drew

    How do you think Boris has handled it so far ?

    That's a bit provocative, not sure anyone has said the government are the enemy. Your problem seems to be that you can't stand anybody holding the government to account for their decision making.

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